• The number of people shot in Philadelphia spiked to 72 for the seven-day period ending Sunday, the highest weekly total since police began sharing the count publicly in late April. The previous week’s total was also revised up from 55 to 62. This year-to-date: 1,281 people have been shot in the city; up 40.8 % vs. the same number of weeks during 2019. An average of 27 people were shot in city each week during past 5 years. [Philadelphia Police]
• Six hundred people have been shot in the Philadelphia since June 1. One hundred shooting victims under age 18 have been reported through August 19 of this year, versus 63 victims in that age group at this time last year, representing an increase of 58.7 percent in that age group. [Open Data Philly]
• Five people were shot in one incident last week. It was the city’s sixth incident with five or more victims reported so far this year. [Twitter/Gun Violence Archive]
• With 292 total homicides reported in the city through August 3, the year-to-date rate is up 33 percent vs. the same period last year in Philadelphia and up 82.5 percent vs. 2014. [Philadelphia Police]
• Aggravated assaults with guns, including shootings, are up 34 percent with 2,170 reported incidents this year vs. 1,659 during the same period last year. Arrests for the same offense are up one percent from 650 last year at this time to 657 this year-to-date. [Philadelphia Police/Philadelphia District Attorney]
• Police are asking for help. [Twitter]
Best practices for journalists
• We introduced a new guide for reporting on community gun violence: Here’s what to do. [IBGVR]
• A former crime reporter says we need more reporters with lived experience. White voices dominate the genre. [CJR/The Appeal]
• Survey: How are you adapting to gun violence in your community? [WHYY]
In the news
• The pace of homicides this year in Philadelphia hasn’t been matched since 1990. Five teens were shot over the weekend. [Philadelphia Inquirer/Metro]
• ER doctor finds trauma bay full of gunshot patients “night after night.” [WHYY]
National gun violence emergency
• Local news reports indicate spiking gun violence rates in cities across the US, including Boston, Denver, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Toledo, Kalamazoo and Seattle.
New research
• Purchaser licensing law prevent gun violence. [AJPH]
• Limiting sales of large magazines saves lives. [USAToday]
• Gun owners feel alienated by gun control advocates. [AJPM]
• Gun violence increased following this year’s spike in sales. [medRxiv]
• One out of 40 Black male children will die from a gunshot. [Science Daily]
Solution of the week
• A Cincinnati pastor says we need to listen to the shooters in order to stem the tide of violence. Some Philly teens have been trying. [Cincinnati Enquirer/WHYY]
Conversations online
• The Democratic Convention presented a virtual policy roundtable called “Ending Gun Violence in America.” [D20]
• Philadelphia’s Mothers in Charge held their Comprehensive Community Healing program on Zoom. [Twitter]
More local action
• Mothers in Charge is also asking you to take a pledge to prevent straw purchases. [Mothers in Charge]
• YEAH Philly is trying to bridge the gap between police and the community. [CBS3]
• “It’s time to bring the code back to the streets” to prevent shootings of women and children, according to one West Philadelphia activist. [FOX29]
• No questions asked: Two more opportunities to turn in a gun coming Saturday. [Twitter]
Getting help in Philadelphia
• People affected by gun violence in Philadelphia can find resources online. [Billy Penn]
• Safe gun storage prevents unintentional shootings and people in Philadelphia are invited to get a free gun lock. [Temple Safety Net]