Clockwise above from top, left: Moderator Laura Bennet, director of The Center for Just Journalism, and AGVR founding staffers: Jennifer Mascia from The Trace and CNN, independent journalist Alain Stephens, Sammy Caiola from the Kensington Voice and Abené Clayton from The Guardian.
Leaders of the new Association of Gun Violence Reporters kicked off activities with a webinar in December, 2024. The organization was launched with support from PCGVR. WATCH NOW.
Check out our 2024 Year in Review for a recap of our activities, a list of of organizations who partnered with us, links to our media coverage last year and more.
And subscribe to our free Weekly Brief email newsletter to keep update with important new announcements beginning this month.
Above: Researchers participating in our collaborative gathered for a meeting at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. Photo by Kriston Jae Bethel for PCGVR.
PCGVR director of research Dr. Jessica Beard is the corresponding author on a new study: Defining harmful news reporting on community firearm violence: A modified Delphi consensus study.
The study included 21 experts — from the gun violence survivor community, journalism practice, and scholarship — who participated in a three-round anonymous survey; an iterative process through which they identified 12 specific harmful elements found in news reports, and then rated those harms across individual, community and society levels.
They determined that news stories including graphic content, episodic framing of individual incidents with little or no context, and those which do not explore solutions have the potential to cause severe harm at all three levels. The panelists also found that harmful elements were most detrimental to people who had survived gunshot injuries. MORE FINDINGS | READ THE STUDY | OUR PREVIOUS RESEARCH | CONTACT THE TEAM
Above: The team behind our Survivor Connection project — Oronde McClain, Caroline Suárez and John Paul Titlow — introduced the new project web site Saturday at Klein Camp, Philadelphia’s annual one-day conference on the future of news at Temple University here in Philadelphia. Photographs by Kriston Jae Bethel.
The Survivor Connection is a new tool that will help reporters put the survivor at the center of their coverage. The public launch will take place early in the new year.
Sammy Caiola, who also leads our new Association of Gun Violence Reporters, wrote about the Survivor Connection for the Reynolds Journalism Institute: Survivor Connection links reporters with gun violence survivor community
“Run, Hide, Fight: Growing up under the gun,” is a new documentary produced by PBS News Student Reporting Labs and featuring stories produced by 14 young journalists from around the country, including an interview with PCGVR director or research Dr. Jessica Beard. WATCH THE FULL DOCUMENTARY | JUMP TO DR. BEARD’S INTERVIEW
Behind the scenes: The student producer who interviewed Dr. Beard shared some kind and encouraging words in a new op-ed published in Teen Vogue:
“After the interview, I felt seen and heard, and it was amazing talking to a researcher who studies a topic that’s so close to home for me. And I left feeling more hopeful for the future of gun violence prevention.” — Ethan Rodriguez
Community Voices of Healing, Reflection and Hope is a new podcast from the Credible Messenger Reporting Project at the Philadelphia Center for Gun Violence Reporting (PCGVR). Host and executive producer Maxayn Gooden is the Credible Messenger Community Manager at PCGVR. She interviews and facilitates conversations among other members of the survivor community in Philadelphia, taking the time to share their experiences in a safe place and in extraordinary depth. LISTEN & SHARE
Our director of research Dr. Jessica Beard joined three of our favorite reporting partners for a discussion on how to shift story framing to one that emphasizes solutions, prevention methods, and data. This is a master class.
The Second Trauma documentary tour is underway. We are visiting colleges and universities, journalism conferences, newsrooms and other organizations. To request an exclusive screening and expert panel discussion, visit:
Some of the data is this video is now out of date but this is still a great primer on public health strategies to prevent gun violence, including interviews with our research director Dr. Jessica Beard and a couple of our favorite partners.
We were honored with the opportunity to co-produce and participate in this invigorating and informative conversation on advancing community-centered and solutions-oriented reporting on gun violence in Philadelphia and other U.S. cities in 2022.