Our home page was overflowing with our activities during 2021. So, we spent the holiday break reorganizing our site to make it easier to find the things you need in the new year.
It started to become more obvious during the past year that all of our projects and programs have been falling to three areas, which are now represented on our main menu:
1. BETTER GUN VIOLENCE REPORTING is home to our professional development efforts, intended to help journalists who report on gun violence to find a more diverse selection of expert sources, identify evidence-based responses to violence, develop strategies for community engagement, find inspiring past reporting, critical data and whatever other resources they need.
2. The CREDIBLE MESSENGER REPORTING PROJECT is our community reporting program, which empowers people impacted by gun violence to report on root causes, lived experience and possible solutions from the community perspective. Credible Messengers are paired with advanced professional journalists to learn from each other and leverage their combined authority to produce and distribute news reports, with financial support provided by the Center.
3. RESEARCH AT THE CENTER is the hub for our emerging research collaborative. For now it’s focused mainly on the work of Dr. Jessica Bead, our director of research, but in the near future we will share more information about other researchers who have been working with us and projects now underway.
There’s a separate page for PHILADELPHIA because, while we strive to serve cities and communities both locally and around the nation, we have an extra level of familiarity with our hometown and have gathered specific resources on this page. You can also drop down from this menu for some shorts cuts.
Next, we have a few links pointing to resources for people affected by gun violence, since we know they find their way to our site sometimes:
There’s a lot happening on the menu at the top of our site too:
The ABOUT page has a fresh update on what we’ve been doing and the DONATIONS page includes a summary of projects we hope to launch or expand this year.
You can leave us a message at the CONTACT link, access essential gun violence and prevention DATA, subscribe to our free email NEWSLETTER and view and subscribe to receive all of our blog posts by clicking UPDATES.
Looking ahead, we will keep working to expand and synthesize all of these efforts for maximum impact and revise the site to match from time to time.
Finally, we’d love to hear about your experience when using this site and how we can make it better.
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